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Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
This test is done to assess the quality of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity method as per IS 516 part-5…
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Most people perceive BIM as a software or 3D modelling. If there is a discussion about BIM, most probable question is “what BIM software you know?”. And question is, “To…
Construction Leaders – A Platform For All Civil Engineers
Construction Leaders – We build professional leaders for the construction industry. It is a platform which is designed and developed related to Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry to help…
Design Philosophy Of Metro Bridges
Mr.Usama khan is a structural engineer with expertise in bridge design with over 7 years of experience. Mr.Usama was a part of the design team that designed the Pune and Mumbai…
What is Offsite Construction, Types, Benefits, and Barrier?
Introduction The traditional construction practices/methods in the building industry have over timeturned out to be labor-intensive and come with so many concerns such as health andsafety, procurement cost, changing weather…
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What is Lean Construction? How To Use Lean Tools In Construction Industry?
Lean is a Buzzword of the present construction industry. Lean construction is a systematic methodology with the goal of creating value for customers and reducing the cost of any process…
Inventory and Pavement Condition By MANUAL and NSV METHOD
Content overview: ➢Inventory & Condition Survey of Pavement Manual method. ➢Inventory & Condition Survey of Pavement (NSV). ➢Discussion on different surveys conducted on highways. ➢Discussion on latest technologies in Flexible…
Importance of Geotechnical Engineer in construction projects? What are various challenges faced by Geotechnical Engineers?
Geotechnical engineers are vital members of Challenging Squad, Works related to Waterfront structures, Designs of Irrigation Works with various technologies and other Infrastructure projects(Roads, Railways, Bridges, Airports & Metro Rail..etc)…
Top Trends In Concrete Technology
New advancements in concrete and cement-based products are completely changing the design and construction worlds. A few of the top trends in Concrete Technology are listed below: 1. BIM (BUILDING…