
Level Of Development in BIM
LOD in BIM We are witnessing the progress of Building Information Modeling (BIM) not only in the AECO industry but also in many industries, and sectors (Public + Private )…
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
This test is done to assess the quality of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity method as per IS 516 part-5 (sec1). The underlying principle of this test is –The method…

Compatibility Of Chemical Admixtures With Cement
Last week, I went to a client’s site because they had been having trouble making concrete for a few days and asked me to check things out. I kept wondering…

Most people perceive BIM as a software or 3D modelling. If there is a discussion about BIM, most probable question is “what BIM software you know?”. And question is, “To…

Construction Leaders – A Platform For All Civil Engineers
Construction Leaders – We build professional leaders for the construction industry. It is a platform which is designed and developed related to Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry to help…

Design Philosophy Of Metro Bridges
Mr.Usama khan is a structural engineer with expertise in bridge design with over 7 years of experience. Mr.Usama was a part of the design team that designed the Pune and Mumbai…

What is Offsite Construction, Types, Benefits, and Barrier?
Introduction The traditional construction practices/methods in the building industry have over timeturned out to be labor-intensive and come with so many concerns such as health andsafety, procurement cost, changing weather…

How To Chose BIM As a Career
What is BIM Building information modeling (BIM) is a process supported by various tools, technologies, and contracts involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics…

A Study On Infrastructure Construction On MARS
Human Exploration OnMARS Mars exploration refers to an examination/ study/ investigation of topology, climatic, weather, soil, water, air etc in Mars. Weather reflects short-term conditions of the atmosphere while climate…

INTRODUCTION OF MARS NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is developing the capabilities needed to send humans to an asteroid by 2025 and Mars in the 2030’s. In order to…

What is an earthquake? What Causes Them to Happen?
An earthquake is a vibration of the earth’s surface by waves emerging from the source of disturbance in the earth by virtue of the release of energy in the earth’s…

How To Manage the Building Project With 5D BIM?
With the help of 5D, building projects can be done more easily. You will learn how to manage projects faster and with better results if you use 5D BIM. Watch…

“Quality is a Risk” What is Quality Risk Management? A systematic, risk-based approach to quality management is known as quality risk management. Zero Defects, or No Rework, is the goal…

Think, Talk and Act – BIM
What comes first into your mind when you hear Building Information Modeling (BIM)? 3D Model? Process? Technology? Software? Interoperability? Collaboration? Information Management? Federated Model? Visualization and Rendering? What else ???…

What is Risk Analysis? What are the Different Techniques of Risk Analysis?
What is Risk Analysis? Risk analysis is the process of evaluating identified risks and opportunities to discover their magnitude, whether they merit a response, and how responses should be prioritized…

How the Highway Projects are Planned, Designed and Constructed?
And, Role of a Design consultant in different project stages?
From this article we will be able to get basic understanding about the highway projects, professionals involved (Client, Consultant, and Contractor), step by step road development process, highway design consultancy…

What is BIM, Not BIM, BIM software and What are they?
The well-established acronym BIM stands for Building Information Modelling in the AECO industry and its scope is extensive in present as well as in future. There were many countries already…

All Construction Professionals are Deemed Contract Administrators: A DNA Hack to Ease Your Job
The construction sector appears lucrative but requires professionals to step for their companies to contribute towards successful completion of projects within stipulated time and budget. However, due to the dependencies…

Top Trends In Concrete Technology
New advancements in concrete and cement-based products are completely changing the design and construction worlds. A few of the top trends in Concrete Technology are listed below: 1. BIM (BUILDING…

Importance of Geotechnical Engineer in construction projects? What are various challenges faced by Geotechnical Engineers?
Geotechnical engineers are vital members of Challenging Squad, Works related to Waterfront structures, Designs of Irrigation Works with various technologies and other Infrastructure projects(Roads, Railways, Bridges, Airports & Metro Rail..etc)….

Inventory and Pavement Condition By MANUAL and NSV METHOD
Content overview: ➢Inventory & Condition Survey of Pavement Manual method. ➢Inventory & Condition Survey of Pavement (NSV). ➢Discussion on different surveys conducted on highways. ➢Discussion on latest technologies in Flexible…

What is Lean Construction? How To Use Lean Tools In Construction Industry?
Lean is a Buzzword of the present construction industry. Lean construction is a systematic methodology with the goal of creating value for customers and reducing the cost of any process…

Basic Information Regarding Study Visa
A student visa plays a crucial part in studying abroad at a recognized institution. The visa stamping takes place after receiving the offer letter from your chosen foreign educational institution. The student visa is all about explaining your reasons for studying in that nation.

Why Do People Usually Plan To Study Abroad? What Are The Advantages To Study Abroad?
Going abroad for education is a wholesome opportunity to explore new technology, culture, a lot more. Working with a diverse group will let you improve your language skills and as well as your soft skills. The construction industry is booming up all over the world and We believe the future belongs to sustainability and is less environmentally hazardous.

Risk Management: Why it’s Important
In the modern world, there are a lot of risks and challenges that can disrupt the construction process. At times, these risks may seem overwhelming but if managed correctly, they can be a great opportunity for the company involved. This article explores the main risks that the construction industry is exposed to and ways in which they can be managed effectively

The Evolution Of Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Construction projects are becoming more complex due to tighter project schedules, increasing cost and quality pressures, and associated continuous change during the execution phase. Technical requirements are also increasing, and the division of work between the various technical experts involved is highly fragmented. This results in construction projects with unreliable schedules, cost overruns, and defects resulting from the lack of coordination on-site.

Cost Optimization Of A Rectangular Singly Reinforced Concrete Beam By Generalized Reduced Gradient Method
Cost Optimization of a singly reinforced rectangular beam using the GRG method is presented in this paper. The objective function is chosen as the overall cost of the beam given…

what is a secant anchored pile wall?
The anchored secant pile wall consists of primary (soft piles) and secondary (Hard piles) bored piles connected by a capping beam on the top. This secant pile wall is a…

GATE: Graduate Aptitude test in Engineering. GATE is a All-India level Examination, which is conducted for Master of Engineering (ME), Masters in Technology (MTech) and direct PhD admissions to Indian…