Flexible pavement design using IITPave software
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Mr.U.Siva Rama Krishna is having 7 years of Industry Experience and 9 years of Teaching experience which includes 8 years of Research experience. In the industry, he has worked for DPR and Execution of Eight lane access controlled Expressway to Hyderabad city from Gachibowli to Shamshabad & Dundigal to Shamirpet with Aarvee Associates and Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt ltd. Further carried prebid engineering surveys for National Highways across India with SATRA Infrastructure Pvt Ltd.
He is about to complete his Ph.D. degree from Acharya Nagarjuna University with 4 webs of science indexed research articles on Ultra-thin white topping concrete overlays. Further, he is acting as a reviewer for the International Journal of Pavement Engineering and the International Journal of Cleaner Production. His research areas include sustainable pavement design, Finite element modeling of pavements, Lifecycle cost analysis, and Life cycle analysis.
Content Overview of the Webinar:
Difference in Design codal provisions between IRC -37-2001 (Semi Empirical Approach)and IRC -37-2018.(Mechanistic Empirical Approach)
Discussion on Design codal provisions in detail according to IRC -37 -2018
Demo on Design of Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design of Flexible Pavement using IIT Pave software