Level Of Development in BIM
We are witnessing the progress of Building Information Modeling (BIM) not only in the AECO industry but also in many industries, and sectors (Public + Private ) BIM is becoming a buzzword and slowly the implementation rate is increasing day by day. BIM scope is extensive in present and as well as in future. Many countries already turned towards BIM and many governments and private organizations made BIM adoption and implementation mandatory for projects. Many countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Singapore, China, the Scandinavian countries (Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden, etc.), France, South Korea, etc have adopted BIM technology at public level projects.
Let’s try to learn about LOD in BIM here.
read our previous articles –
The Evolution Of Building Information Modeling (BIM)
What is BIM, Not BIM, BIM software and What are they?
So, What do you think about LOD in BIM, here we are particularly talking about LOD in BIM only? Not in GIS, AI Business etc.
LOD stands for Level of Development? Or Level of Detail?
In the BIM world, LOD stands for Level of Development.But in other fields, such as the GIS (Geographic Information System) field, LOD stands for Level of Details.
Therefore, a lot of time people mix the two in practice.LOD definition is not the same in BIM & GIS also.
It is better to clarify it whenever there is a doubt in information and communication. By mean referring to any particular Code of Standards.
In AIA’s definition, LOD describes the level of completeness to which a Model Element is developed. (“Model element” is playing an important role here).
A Model Element means an element in the BIM model, It can be just a very simple component or can be a system or assembly of components in the model.
Here, we are talking about the completeness, which means how complete the model element represents the corresponding real-world object(s).
In BIM practice, LOD often refers to the stages that a BIM model (or elements within the model) is expected through the lifecycle of a construction project.
Here, the keyword is the “stages”. And there are five levels, labeled from LOD 100 to LOD 500.
There are six levels of LOD (100 ,200, 300 ,350 ,400 , 500)
There are six levels of LOD (100,200, 300,350,400, 500) in which LOD 350 does not exist in the original AIA documents and is a new one for representing how building elements interface with various systems and other building elements.
LOD 100: The Model Element may be graphically represented in the Model with a symbol or other generic representation, but does not satisfy the requirements for LOD 200.Elements in LOD 100 are usually developed in the Concept Design stage.
LOD 200: The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a generic system, object, or assembly with approximate quantities, size, shape, location, and orientation. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the Model Element. Elements in LOD 200 are usually developed in the Schematic Design stage.
LOD 300: The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a specific system, object or assembly in terms of quantity, size, shape, location, and orientation. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the Model Element. Elements in LOD 300 are usually developed in the Detailed Design stage.
LOD 350: The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a specific system, object, or assembly in terms of quantity, size, shape, orientation, and interfaces with other building systems. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the Model Element. Elements in LOD 350 are usually developed in the Construction Document stage.
LOD 400: The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a specific system, object or assembly in terms of size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation with detailing, fabrication, assembly, and installation information. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the Model Element. Elements in LOD 400 are usually developed in the Fabrication & Assembly stage.
LOD 500: The Model Element is a field verified representation (i.e., as-built) in terms of size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation. Non-graphic information may also be attached to the Model Elements. Elements in LOD 500 are usually developed in the As-Built stage.
Did you get any spark in your mind? Cool. So far we have seen LOD in very general terms, Now let’s see what BIM forum 2019 is telling us.
LOD as per BIM Forum 2019

Same time we also should have an understanding about Geometric and non Geometric data.

In the recently revised standards it is found that ,It is better to use “Level Of Information (LOI)” expected by the client other than the LOD.
Level Of Information (LOI) describes the information content of a BIM object at a specific time in the project. LOI refers to the properties of an object. For example : Dimensions, Material specification, insulation or the cost of the building element.
Thank You All